Deposit Agreement

Fluffidolls Sample 2017
This contract is written for the protection of both the Buyer and the Seller, and when signed become binding and legal.
BREED ______________________ COLOR ________________________________ SEX _______________
DOB __________________________ REGISTRATION/LITTER # __________________________________
NAME _________________________________________________ PRICE _________________________
SIRE _____________________________________ DAM _______________________________________
On this _____ day of _________________, 20_____, a deposit of £__________ has been received from the Buyer to be applied toward the purchase price of the above described cat/kitten. The balance due is to be paid on collection. The buyer becomes the new owner of said cat/kitten upon seller’s receipt of Balance Due. Kitten will be ready to go to his/her new home between _____________________ and ______________________.
The purpose of the deposit is to insure the Buyer’s intent to purchase the above described cat/kitten. The above said cat/kitten is being held for the Buyer and will not be sold to any other buyer. The deposit will not be refunded if Buyer is unable, or decides not to take the kitten. The deposit may, however, be applied to another cat/kitten should the original kitten become unfit for sale. We try to place our cats/kittens in loving homes in a timely manner, so they may bond with their new family. If a cat/kitten is held specifically for a Buyer, a change of mind can quite often jeopardize the chance for a particular kitten, that has been held back for the Buyer, to be placed in a home while still at a desirable age. For this reason, deposits are not refundable.
If the Seller becomes aware of something about the Buyer that would make the potential home for the kitten undesirable, the Seller retains the right to cancel the sale and will refund the deposit to the Buyer.
The cat/kitten will be cared for untill the arranged collection date or until buyer is able to take possession of the cat/kitten Should the Buyer request that the cat/kitten be held beyond the collection due date, a boarding charge of £6.00 per day will be accrued. Boarding charges are to be paid in full prior to collection or release of said cat/kitten.
Please pay balance due with cash.
Signature__________________________________ Date_________________________
Buyer’s Signature__________________________________ Date _________________________
Buyer’s Printed Name ___________________________________________________________________
Street Address _________________________________________________________________________
City ___________________________ County____________________ Post Code________________
Phone ____________________________________ E-mail ___________________________________